Signs of The Times

From Matthew 24:1-51 / Signs of The Times

Having just survived (wink, wink) the total eclipse of 2024, the passage before us could not be more timely – no pun intended.

The self-anointed prophets from every circle made a host of wild predictions and untenable “coincidental” connections. Some were simply mistaken, and others, appear to be deliberate lies and fabrications. One of the most prevalent was how the path of the former eclipse of 2107 included 7 cities named Salem (supposedly having some connection with Jerusalem – a stretch at best). In comparison, the event of 2024 would included 7 cities named Nineveh – the capital of the ancient Assyrian Empire. In fact, only 2 cities named Nineveh saw the total eclipse, and what in the world that has to do with 21st Century America is simply a product of pure imagination. Nothing Biblical whatsoever. And what of the cities in other countries at other times? Humm.

One thing shared by virtually all of the prognosticators was references to Matthew 24, and in particular, vs. 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light.” Wow! An eclipse – the sun darkened and the moon not giving its light (the blood moons) and whammo! Youv’e got…, you’ve got…, you’ve got – 2 naturally occuring phenomena which happen on a predictable timetable. Humm.

Now we could spend some time asking why the stars didn’t fall from heaven in the midst of all of this – per the second part of the verse. But let’s never let the facts get in the way of our interpretations. That would be really cumbersome.

Sadly, the history of what is termed “Apocalyptic Fever” by Richard Kyle in his book by the same title – is rife with the same kind of things we heard pontificated over and over recently. I would encourage you to buy his book, it is quite insightful in this regard.

But what of Matthew 24? How do we treat it? How do we interpret it? How do we apply it?

There are 2 major ways this passage has been looked at historically. But there are also lots of nuances to be found on both of them. But basically, most choose between:

a. That Jesus is talking about His second coming in the entire passage, and so we need to make each feature fit that scenario.


b. Jesus is talking about 2 separate events. The first being the seige of Jerusalem with the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D, and the second being His return.

I won’t venture into either, though I think a solid case for b. being the more historical view can be made. See John Chrysostom’s exposition of this chapter. Chrysostom was a 4th century theologian / pastor.

So let me try to summarize the passage as best I can.


a. WHEN will THESE things be?

b. WHAT will be the SIGNAL of the consummation?

c. (Implied) HOW does a., fit with b.?

2. (4-14) AVOIDING DECEPTION / Be aware:

a. (5) Many false Christs will come.

b. (6) Massive Civil unrest.

c. (7) Natural Disaster.(famines, earthquakes, etc.)

d. (9) Tribulation and Distress for the apostles.

e. (10) Mass defections from the Faith.

f. (11) Proliferation of false Prophets.

g. (12) Abandonment of Holiness accompanied by decreased Faithfulness.

Four clarifying encouragements:

a. (6) The End is NOT yet.

b. (8) These are only the Beginning.

c. (13) All will NOT be lost.

d. (14) The Gospel WILL permeate the whole world.

3. ANSWERING THE 1st QUESTION – When? / When will every stone of the Temple be thrown down?

a. (15) When the Daniel 9:27 comes to pass / Luke 21:20

b. (17-22) It will be a time of unprecedented Tribulation.

c. (23-28) Deceivers will Capitalize on the tragedy.

d. (27) My actual return Cannot be missed or misrepresented.

e. (29) Dark and re-orienting events will occur.

f. (30-31) This is all connected to Jesus’ Ascension. Daniel 7:13–14

1. I will ascend.

2. Peoples from everywhere will come to understand my crucifixion and mourn it.

3. These are those who will glory in my return.

4. This company of people will be created by my action of gathering in the elect from all over the planet through the preaching of the Gospel.

g. (32-33) So Watch for these things.

h. (34) They will happen before This generation is over.

i. (35) Count on it.

4. THAT DAY. Answering the 2nd question. What will be the sign of His “coming”?

a. (36) NO ONE knows when.

b. (37-39) It will be life as usual, without special Signs.

c. (40-41) Judgment will come swiftly and unexpectedly. Rev. 14:15-20 / Matthew 13:41–43

d. (42-51) So be occupied with His Bride until He arrives.


a. Matthew 24:36 – “no one knows”

b. Matthew 24:42 – “You do not know”

c. Matthew 24:44 – I’ll come WHEN “YOU DO NOT EXPECT”.

Therefore – Be ready in remaining faithful to the Gospel and Christ’s glory.

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